Type the name of the class to see the details and methods
Constructor given a vcf file
Parameter: vcffile - The path of a vcf file. don't start with "~"
Parameter: version - The version of VCF specification
Add a Contig in the header of the vcf
Parameter: str - A string for the CONTIG name
Add a FILTER in the header of the vcf
Parameter: id - A string for the FILTER name
Parameter: desc - A string for description of what it means
Add a INFO in the header of the vcf
Parameter: id - A string for the tag name
Parameter: number - A string for the number
Parameter: type - A string for the type
Parameter: desc - A string for description of what it means
Add a FORMAT in the header of the vcf
Parameter: id - A string for the tag name
Parameter: number - A string for the number
Parameter: type - A string for the type
Parameter: desc - A string for description of what it means
Add a SAMPLE in the header of the vcf
Parameter: str - A string for a SAMPLE name
Add a line in the header of the vcf
Parameter: str - A string for a line in the header of VCF
Write a variant record given a line
Parameter: line - A string for a line in the variant of VCF. Not ended with "newline"
Close and save the vcf file